What once started as the jangly back-to-the-roots lockdown project of Lars from Subterfuge now became a real band with Mark Specht (first Subterfuge drummer), Christoph Schneider (Bass – Clayton Farlow, Klee, Soap/Soccer) and Philipp Breuer (Guitar – Pale) joining in.
The Radio Field‘s debut recording Simple EP was brought to listeners in cooperation with Subjangle Records in the fall 2022, sparking off overwhelming reactions from the indie pop bubble. The band was formed in almost no time and started recording the album Don’ts and Dos, which is now available digitally as well as on vinyl and CD (again in colab with Subjangle).
Press Quotes:
Jangle Pop as it’s most perfectly considered …. that has never felt so dynamic in the hands of a modern act JANGLEPOPHUB
This album is a happy celebration of timless melodies – POP in capital letters, that would deserve a million listeners. BEDROOMDISCO
These easy, floating songs on “Don’ts and Dos” are touching and charming… it all fits perfectly together and makes your heart glow COOLIBRI

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