The Radio Field – The Version

The Radio Field’s debut single as a real band is a 2min breeze of good vibrations taking you onto a pub night out with Paul Weller & Billy Bragg on Brixton Road, featuring Robert Stadlober (Movies: Sonnenallee, Crazy Music: Gary, Heym) on vocals and Max von Einem (Bukahara, Heavytones) on trombone and trumpet.

What started as the lockdown homerecording project of Lars from Subterfuge now became a decent all-star band with Philipp Breuer (Guitar – Pale), Christoph Schneider (Bass/Vocals – Clayton Farlow/Klee/Soccer/Soap) and Mark Specht (first Subterfuge drummer) joining in. An album will follow in late August, accompanied by a national tour.

(Longer version of band bio below)

LER0029 (digital)
ISRC DEYR52300101
Airdate 2023-05-26
Label Code 93047


Quotes (on previous release Simple EP):

“Possibly the jangliest thing you will have heard this side of the 80s!” (JANGLEPOPHUB)

“… natural melodiousness that encourages faint toe-tapping” (AUSTIN TOWN HALL)

“Schmidt’s main sphere is the excellent Düsseldorf band Subterfuge, so you do expect quality. That is exactly what you get here. At its heart, it is a jangling joy, but there is more than that.” (I DON’T HEAR A SINGLE)
“In a world of doubt…be assured this jangles likes keys in bell!” (SUBJANGLE)

Live Dates

05.08.2923 Nürnberg, Radio Z (mit Sharon Stoned)

05.08.2023 Nürnberg, mono-Ton (akustisch)

25.08.2023  Cologne, Stereo Wonderland

26.08.2023  Düsseldorf, Datscha (w The Fisherman & His Soul)

29.09.2023  Kassel, Kulturfabrik Salzmann


30.09.2023  Berlin, Posh Teckel

02.12.2023 Cologne (private event)

16.12.2023 Italy tba

Band Bio (long version)

So here i was in late 2020, the first year of the pandemic. We were in our second lockdown and things at home started becoming more and more a routine. My band Subterfuge had just recently reformed and our album Dots. was in the final stages of recording, where my parts were fully done already. Also for my other, almost life-long project The Modern Air & Space Society on which I had been working for the last 15 years (still to be released) all recordings had been made and I was still waiting for my partner Lomp to create the corresponding comic.

Some say it only takes enough boredom and a musical instrument to create something good. I picked up the guitar much more than usual while the Social Media work for Subterfuge had reminded me a lot of the heyday of my musical socialisation: C86, early Creation, US College Rock. Within a couple of days a handful of songs came out just like this. All shops were closed at the time so I mail-ordered a Rickenbacker 12-string, got the AC30 home from the practice room and started recording those songs. Josephine came with the train one Saturday, sang her angelic backing vocals in the corner between the wall and the wardrobe and my son Gustav added some high notes right in time before he went into his puberty vocal change. And so this was that.

On its release the reactions to Simple EP were close to overwhelming. Not only was there lots of interest and very positive feedback, i was also asked by good friends if we should form a real band out of it. And here we are now with Mark Specht (Drums, founding member of Subterfuge), Christoph Scheider (Bass, former member of Klee, Clayton Farlow, Soap, Soccer) and Philipp Breuer (Lead Guitar, of Pale fame) and myself. With people sharing similar tastes and a musical vision an album full of songs was arranged in no time and recordings were started already at the second rehearsal. From first ideas to a longplayer (album drops in August) in a bit over half a year is an absolute record time in my personal musical story and the result still entails more of myself than any other release before.

Aren’t three musical outlets (I have another postal indie electro band called Quent, which had a break at the time too) enough i was asked. And the answer probably should have been a clear yes. Well, you wouldn’t be reading these lines if I had followed that advice. And hey, isn’t it the silly and superfluous that is the most fun?

(Lars, May 2023)

Downloads (use right click)

Artwork 1500×1500
The Version MP3
The Version WAV
Photo 1 Flowers (Suzie Kerstgens)
Photo 2 Flowers (Suzie Kerstgens)
Photo 3 Hazy (Suzie Kerstgens)
